The title of this piece was taken from a poem by Geoffrey Chaucer called The House of Fame.

In a way, I think the story is about the creation of history, the formulation of memories, and the idea of fame. I am very interested in these ideas.

I started by cutting out pictures and words from magazines, and sorting them into categories. In doing so, my hope was to remove them from whatever previous context they might have had.
I then glued these cut outs to different objects, in an attempt to reassemble their identities within a system of my own design.


A photograph can be like a trophy for both the taker and the person who is captured. If you sell it, a photograph can communicate value. If you place it high enough, it can represent culture.

Like words, objects and photographs communicate understanding.



The Amazing House of Fame | Papers and Magazines, Frames and Found Objects, Words, Pictures, Glass, Mirrors, Lights2016